"The point of phonics isn't to provide readers with exactly correct pronunciations of words, but only close approximations" (Cunningham, 1975-1976). If our goal is to truly to follow the science of reading, then we must prioritize reading as the ultimate goal of phonics instruction, which means giving faster access to more of the phonics code sooner to minimize memorizing words and actively decode them instead. This is what Secret Stories do. They are neuroscience-based tools to help teachers activate phonics knowledge for easy and efficient delivery alongside a structured literacy curriculum or existing phonics program. Neuroscience carves a clear path for faster delivery of complex phonics skills easier, earlier and faster. Research on early brain development gives access to "backdoor" learning pathways that enable automatic skill retrieval through schemas stored in long term memory. These existing schemas help students (and teachers!) to quickly and effortlessly access phonics information with minimal conscious effort, allowing immediate recall of phonics sounds based on established patterns and connections. When I do professional development for schools and districts, I typically come either just before or just following LETRS (or other SoR-based) training to provide these "deliverable buckets" to help teachers organize and activate this phonics knowledge and quickly transfer it to students. To this end, I've been working with a state trainer and district specialist (both certified in LETRS) on a "soon-to-be-released" blog post that we hope will be a "go-to" guide for teachers to help simplify "hard-to-teach" phonics concepts and and fast-track delivery to kids. The pictures below are just a quick glimpse into what we will be fleshing-out in our upcoming post.... And then there's the much-needed phonics FUN!!! 🎃 🔤 👻 🩷Until Next Time, #DontHoldBackTheCode! REGION 10 EVENT
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Science of Reading Meets Science of Learning with Secret Stories® Fun Pack, Freebie and 15% TpT Sale! I wanted to get this email out today so that you would be set for your Halloween Phonics FUN all next week! We just finished putting together this special Halloween Phonics FUN Pack on TpT that I know your kids will love, and it even includes "Secret" Trick-or-Treat Trading Cards! It's over 125 pages and on sale for $4.25 as part of the 15% off "Secret" TpT Sale through midnight this Sunday!...
Activating Teacher Knowledge Gained in LETRS Training Science of Reading Meets Science of Learning with Secret Stories® Providing "Deliverable Buckets" for Complex Phonics Knowledge State-mandated training on the Science of Reading to equip teachers with strong phonics knowledge is not enough. To be impactful, teachers must know how to activate this newfound knowledge. To do this, they must have "easily deliverable buckets" to get this information to the end users, who are 5 years old and...
Secret Stories® Phonics Song with Jack Hartmann Science of Reading Meets Science of Learning with Secret Stories® Secret Phonics Song Guess what was just released this week? Nope, it's not the "Brady Bunch" song with kids singing (you know, the one I've been blabbering about all summer and am STILL working on with Jack). It's a different one that Jack recorded with the same message—NEVER MEMORIZE WORDS YOU CAN JUST READ! In other words.... #DontHoldBackTheCode kids NEED to READ!🧠 Click here...